30 May 2022 to 1 June 2022
Soria Moria Hotel
Europe/Oslo timezone

Josephine Wood, EuroHPC JU: Leading the way in European supercomputing with LUMI, the EuroHPC supercomputer located in Finland

31 May 2022, 11:20
Storesal (Soria Moria)


Soria Moria


In this keynote speech, Josephine will present her organisation, the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU). The EuroHPC JU joins together the resources of the European Union, 31 European countries and 3 private partners to develop a World Class Supercomputing Ecosystem in Europe. The speech will highlight the initial achievements of this relatively young shared HPC ecosystem: the first operational EuroHPC supercomputers and their access policy, and the ambitious R&I programme which supports European technological and digital autonomy and develops green technologies in HPC.

The speech will specifically focus on LUMI, the first EuroHPC pre-exascale supercomputer located in Finland. LUMI is a unique joint endeavour between the EuroHPC JU and a consortium made up of ten European countries to build one of the most competitive and green supercomputers globally. LUMI will boost scientific breakthroughs, innovation, competitiveness, and computing skills across Europe. It will be a world-class platform for artificial intelligence providing HPC and AI resources for European researchers and industry.

Presentation materials