30 May 2022 to 1 June 2022
Soria Moria Hotel
Europe/Oslo timezone

Wilhelm Widmark, Stockholm University: Open Science in the Nordic countries: from policy to implementation

1 Jun 2022, 11:30
Storesal (Soria Moria)


Soria Moria


Open science will in the future become the normal way to conduct science. But to reach that point we have a mayor cultural shift to be done by all stakeholders in the system. The Nordic countries has come rather far in the policy discussions and most of the countries have some policies in place. But now it is time to go from policy to implementation. The policy making is often done top down but the cultural shift must come bottom up. It is important that the implementation will be led by the researchers and meet the researchers needs.

This talk will discuss some policy issues about Open Science in the Nordic countries and how we can engage the researchers to become the leaders of the cultural shift. What possible role will e-infrastructures and EOSC have in this transition and how can we work together in the Nordic countries to make the shift happen.

Presentation materials