30 May 2022 to 1 June 2022
Soria Moria Hotel
Europe/Oslo timezone

Sensitive health data & data management

31 May 2022, 13:00
1h 30m
Lillesal (Soria Moria)


Soria Moria


This session will provide an overview on the Nordic sensitive data services and some potential challenges and use cases

Session Chair: Abdulrahman Azab (NeIC Office/UiO, NO)

Speakers: Eivind Hovig (UiO, NO), Maria Nilsson (NordForsk), Peter Løngreen (Director of the Danish National LifeScience Supercomputing Center, DK), Gard Thomassen (UiO, NO) 


13:00 - 13:20  Sensitive health data: the interface between clinical and scientific research - Peter Løngreen

13:20 - 13:40  Towards implementation of cross-country precision medicine - Eivind Hovig

13:40 - 14:00  The Nordic Commons Project - Maria Nilsson

14:00 - 14:20  Research and possibilities enabled through TSD - Gard Thomassen

14:20 - 14:30  Q&A

Sensitive health data: the interface between clinical and scientific research

Peter Løngreen, will discuss how the Danish National Life Science Supercomputing Center enables and supports scientific and clinical research. The talk will explore the consequences and drivers of the emerging tendency of how clinical and scientific research is becoming more interconnected. Two case studies of active clinical and scientific research projects will be presented, showing how sensitive health data infrastructure is driving clinical and scientific innovation in the Danish region. Future challenges and developments in the field will also be presented.

The Nordic Commons Project

The vision of the Nordic region as a forerunner in secondary use of health data in research, innovation, industry, and healthcare was manifested in a NordForsk report in 2019. It was envisioned that a “Nordic Commons”, where health data could be identified, shared, compiled, and jointly analysed for secondary purposes in a federated, secure, scalable environment would be of future benefit of public health and the Nordic societies.

The recommendations of the Nordic Commons report have been assigned for further action to a project funded by the Nordic cooperation ministers (MR-SAM) and the Nordic Council of Ministers for Health and Social Affairs (MR-S). The project has recently been kicked off and the next steps will be presented.

Presentation materials