Research Software Development Practice
Jake Muff, CSC - Maiken Pedersen, UiO - Matias Jääskeläinen, CSC - Samantha Wittke CSC, Radovan Bast, UiT, Richard Darst, Aalto University.
The goal of this workshop is that in the style of show-and-tell one learns about different ways of using research software development practices related to DevOps and continuous integration from members of the NeIC community.
During the workshop we will hear from 3 contributors on 3 different topics, getting to know how they use Software development and Continuous integration in their job and how it helps them solve problems. The contributors will also bring up unsolved problems or unfinished solutions and engage the audience to solve these and discuss.
We hope that during the workshop you will find out how software development practices can be related to DevOps with hands-on examples to improve your skills. Be prepared to ask questions, discuss and contribute to the workshop
The current contributors and topics can be found here: https://notes.coderefinery.org/AHM23-DevOpsWS?view