NeIC 2024 - Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration Conference "Nordic e-Infrastructure Tomorrow"

Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn

Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn

Abdulrahman Azab Mohamed (University of Oslo), Ave Ploomipuu (ETAIS), Tomasz Malkiewicz (NeIC/CSC), Ülar Allas (ETAIS)

The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) facilitates the development and operation of high-quality e-Infrastructure solutions in areas of joint Nordic interest. NeIC is a distributed organization consisting of technical experts from academic institutions across the Nordic countries. NeIC's activities work to improve e-infrastructure and enable better research in the Nordic-Baltic region. The NeIC collaboration is steered by the Nordic e-Infrastructure providers in the Nordic countries and Estonia.   
The NeIC conferences are organized biannually, bringing together e-infrastructure experts, researchers, policymakers, funders, and national e-infrastructure providers from the Nordics and beyond. The NeIC 2024 conference theme is “Nordic e-Infrastructure Tomorrow”.

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer Nature Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) with Gold Open Access.

Important Dates

  • Early submission deadline: March 25, 2024 (Closed)
  • Author notification for early submissions: April 20, 2024
  • Late submission deadline (online participation only): May 10, 2024 (Closed)
  • Author notification for late submissions (online participation only): May 20, 2024
  • Conference-ready deadline (to be shared during the conference): May 24, 2024
  • post-conference submission deadline (invited presentations only): August 30, 2024 (Closed)
  • Author notification for post-conference submissions (invited presentations only): September 11, 2024
  • Camera-ready deadline (post-conference): October 30, 2024
  • Best Paper award announcement (post-conference): October 2024


Click here to download the Powerpoint presentation template.


The conference is Co-Sponsored by 


    • Registration: Welcome! We are glad You're here - please take Your Badge! Second Floor Lobby (Park Inn By Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn)

      Second Floor Lobby

      Park Inn By Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn

    • AHM morning session: Opening & lightning talks by NeIC projects Peterson Hall

      Peterson Hall

      • 1
        Opening, by the Director of NeIC Peterson Hall (Park Inn by Radisson Meriton)

        Peterson Hall

        Park Inn by Radisson Meriton

        Speaker: Gudmund Høst (NeIC)
      • 2
        Lightning Talks by NeIC Projects
        Speaker: Lene Krøl Andersen (DeiC)
      • 10:40 AM
        Coffee Break Second floor lobby hall

        Second floor lobby hall

      • 3
        Keynote Talk - Ideation in Action: Building a global Digital Twin platform for Biodiversity
        Speaker: Shreshtha Sharma
    • Lunch Restaurant Grill 250 (Park Inn by Radisson Meriton)

      Restaurant Grill 250

      Park Inn by Radisson Meriton

    • AHM afternoon session: NeIC in the Future Peterson Hall

      Peterson Hall

      Conveners: Abdulrahman Azab Mohamed (University of Oslo), Lene Krøl Andersen, Tomasz Malkiewicz (NeIC/CSC)
    • 2:00 PM
      Coffee break Second floor lobby hall

      Second floor lobby hall

    • AHM afternoon session: Team building activity Peterson Hall

      Peterson Hall

      Conveners: Lene Krøl Andersen (DeiC), Tomasz Malkiewicz
    • Project team meetings
      • 4
        Project Team Meeting: CodeRefinery Adson


      • 5
        Project Team Meeting: Heilsa Heilsa Trygvedottir Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

      • 6
        Project Team Meeting: NordIQuEst Panso


      • 7
        Project Team Meeting: NT1 Small Peterson

        Small Peterson

      • 8
        Project Team Meeting: Puhuri Alver


    • AHM Dinner Restaurant Grill 250 (Park Inn by Radisson Meriton)

      Restaurant Grill 250

      Park Inn by Radisson Meriton

    • Registration
    • Conference morning session: Opening speeches + keynotes Peterson Hall (Park inn by radisson meriton conference & spa)

      Peterson Hall

      Park inn by radisson meriton conference & spa

      Convener: Abdulrahman Azab Mohamed (University of Oslo)
      • 9
        Welcome words by NeIC Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        Park inn by radisson meriton conference & spa

        Speakers: Abdulrahman Azab Mohamed (University of Oslo), Gudmund Høst (NeIC), Dr Ivar Koppel (ETAIS)
      • 10
        Estonian Ministry of Education and Research Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        Park inn by radisson meriton conference & spa

        Keynote by the Head of Research Infrastructure at the Ministry of Education and Research

        Speaker: Aile Tamm (Ministry of Education and Research)
      • 11
        Parliament of Estonia, Economic Affairs Commitee Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        Park inn by radisson meriton conference & spa

        Speaker: Andres Sutt (Riigikogu)
      • 12
        Cybersecurity Evolution: Innovations, Trends, and Future Frontiers Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        Park inn by radisson meriton conference & spa

        Speaker: Prof. Hisham Kholidy (SUNY Polytechnic Institute)
      • 10:35 AM
        Coffee break
      • 13
        Nordic Infrastructure Collaboration in the coming years, in light of the Nordic Council of Ministers' vision and the collaboration programme for the period 2025 – 2030 Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        Park inn by radisson meriton conference & spa

        Speaker: Dr Arne Flåøyen (NordForsk)
    • Lunch Restaurant Grill 250

      Restaurant Grill 250

    • Science sessions (Paper presentations): AI/Machine-Learning Panso


      Convener: Ebba Þóra (HI)
    • Science sessions (Paper presentations): FAIR Data Alver


      Conveners: Anne Bergsaker (University of Oslo), Rene Belsø (DeiC)
      • 14
        Structured Management of Dynamic Geodata - Implementation Guidelines Based on the FAIR Principles Alver (Hotel Tallinn)


        Hotel Tallinn

        Speaker: Morten Wergeland Hansen (Norwegian Meteorological Institute)
      • 15
        Common Data Space for Biodiversity: Managing the Full Data Lifecycle with the PlutoF Platform Alver


        Speaker: Kessy Abarenkov (University of Tartu)
      • 16
        FAIR implementation policy pain points Alver


        Speaker: Richard Dennis (Copenhagen University)
      • 17
        FAIRification of Genomic Annotations - New RDA Working Group to Mobilise Biomedical and Biodiversity Data for Discovery and Reuse Alver


        Speaker: Sveinung Gundersen (University of Oslo)
      • 18
        Data Management in Life Sciences Alver


        Speaker: Nazeefa Fatima (University of Oslo)
    • Science sessions (Paper presentations): Federated Resource Management Peterson Hall

      Peterson Hall

      Conveners: Anders Sjöström (LUNARC), Oxana Smirnova (NeIC / Lund University)
    • Science sessions (Paper presentations): Sensitive Data Management Small Peterson

      Small Peterson

      Conveners: Abdulrahman Azab Mohamed (University of Oslo), Jakob Bech Petersen (DeiC)
    • 2:45 PM
    • Science sessions (Paper presentations): Competence Building and Collaboration Environments in e-Infrastructure Panso


      Convener: Henric Zazzi (PDC, KTH)
      • 19
        Simplify Access to HPC Systems for Research on AI- and Simulation-Based Engineering via the LAMEC Job Script Builder

        Authors: Hemanadhan Myneni, Xin Liu, Jóhannes Nordal, Þór Arnar Curtis, Rakesh Sarma, Ebba Þóra Hvannberg, Helmut Neukirchen, Matthias Book, Andreas Lintermann, and Morris Riedel

        Speaker: Dr Hemanadhan Myneni (University of Iceland)
      • 20
        HPC User Support in Sweden

        Henric Zazzi

        Speaker: Henric Zazzi (PDC, KTH)
      • 21
        Competence building, the CodeRefinery way

        Radovan Bast

        Speaker: Radovan Bast
      • 22
        Leadership and management competence building in the Nordics
        Speaker: Tomasz Malkiewicz (NeIC/CSC)
      • 23
        Galaxy Training Network
        Speaker: Teresa Müller (University of Freiburg)
    • Science sessions (Paper presentations): Containers for HPC Peterson Hall

      Peterson Hall

      Convener: Abdulrahman Azab Mohamed (University of Oslo)
    • Science sessions (Paper presentations): Quantum Computing Small Peterson

      Small Peterson

      Conveners: Sebastian von Alfthan (CSC - IT Center for Science), Tomasz Malkiewicz (NeIC/CSC)
    • Science sessions (Paper presentations): e-Infrastructure Scientific Use Cases Alver


      Conveners: Josva Kleist (NORDUnet A/S), Kristina Lillemets
    • Conference Dinner Tallinn, Vesilennuki 6 (Seaplane Harbour)

      Tallinn, Vesilennuki 6

      Seaplane Harbour

      The conference dinner takes place at the Seaplane Harbour (Lennusadam), a popular maritime museum. The museum is located in a building originally constructed as a hangar for seaplanes in the area of Peter the Great's Naval Fortress. The main attraction in the museum is the submarine Lembit, which was ordered by Estonia from the United Kingdom and built in 1936.

      The Seaplane Harbour is located at Vesilennuki 6, 2.5 km away from the conference venue. You can reach there by taxi or by walking with a group.

      The singer-musician duo Merlin Purge and Margus Vaher will add a cheerful mood to the dinner.

    • NeIC run

      Information on the NeIC run:

    • Conference morning session: Keynotes Peterson Hall

      Peterson Hall

      Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn

      • 24
        Critical Role of E-infrastructures in Advancing Scientific Research: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Prospects Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn

        Speaker: Dr Mario Kadastik (CERN & Parliament of Estonia)
      • 25
        Unveiling the Boundaries: Exploring the Limits and Potential of Quantum Computing Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn

        Speaker: Dr Mikael Johansson (CSC-IT)
      • 10:30 AM
        Coffee Break
      • 26
        AI-Powered Paradigm Shift: Revolutionizing Data Utilization and Analytics Strategies Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn

        Speaker: Prof. Anis Yazidi (OsloMet)
      • 27
        NeIC PMO and NeIC Projects: Focus on Impacts of the Nordic collaboration Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn

        Speaker: Tomasz Malkiewicz (NeIC/CSC)
      • 28
        Farewell words by NeIC Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn

        Speakers: Abdulrahman Azab Mohamed (University of Oslo), Gudmund Høst (NeIC)
    • Lunch Restaurant Grill 250

      Restaurant Grill 250

    • Afternoon Workshops Part I
      • 29
        Workshop: AI Tools with Biomedical Sciences Part I Adson


        There are a lot of potential uses for Ai in biomedical sciences. The field of bioinformatics, which deals with the analysis of biomedical data, is still catching up with the skill set needed to effectively use ML/Ai in the workflows.

        In this tutorial, we will demystify some basic machine learning concepts needed to get started with and then show some examples where these concepts are already being applied. Then we will move on to get some hands-on experience with a selected tool to get some experience and to motivate you to learn and explore the possibilities to use ML/ML in your work.

        Prerequisites: Basic understanding in concepts like sequence assembly, variants and protein folding. Familiar with Python language would be an advantage, but we will provide copy-paste examples just in case.

        Speakers: Burcin Buket Ogul, Pubudu Saneth Samarakoon, Sabry Razick
      • 30
        Workshop: ARC installation and configuration for HPC and Cloud Part I Alver


        The workshop runs from 13:00 to 17:00 with a 30 minute break in the middle.

        The ARC Compute Element (CE) is a distributed compute front-end on top of a conventional computing resource (e.g. a Linux cluster or a standalone workstation). It enables remote batch system job submission, and seamlessly handles data staging of any remote input files. ARC-CE’s can work in a grid of compute resources, removing the need for the end-user to specify what resource they want their job to run on. Direct submission to a specific HPC resource is also possible.

        ARC has been one of several recommended compute element technologies of the World Wide LHC Computing grid since 2002, and is now one of the two recommended ones together with HT-Condor CE.

        The tutorial demonstrates the installation and configuration of an ARC-CE front-end for use in a distributed grid infrastructure, such as WLCG. We will show that ARC supports both high-performance systems, like Vega EuroHPC, Nordic WLCG Tier1 and other HPC centres, but also smaller community grids and cloud HPC resources. The tutorial addresses primarily system administrators, but also serves as a demonstrator of a seamless access to HPC resources to extended user communities, such as Life Sciences, Climate and Biodiversity, Astrophysics, Materials science and others.
        The tutorial will demonstrate the installation of ARC 7, and focusing on an ARC-CE set up for token support.

        A handful of test-clusters will be set up to allow attendees to type along.

        If time allows, two more items will be discussed:

        a). A demonstration of the new ARC cluster setup in the EGI Infrastructure Manager. The EGI IM ARC integration allows admins to set up a compute cluster running Slurm and ARC with a few clicks.

        b). With ARCHERY we will show how a research community using a set of ARC-enabled resources (HPC/grid/cloud) to run computations can set up their own community grid without needing a central job-server. This allows the researcher to submit jobs to all their available ARC CEs, without the need to choose and specify particular CE for each job.

        Speakers: Maiken Pedersen, Oxana Smirnova (NeIC / Lund University)
      • 31
        Workshop: Quantum Computing 101 Part I Small Peterson

        Small Peterson

        Prerequisite: own laptop recommended; no previous experience with quantum computing expected. To use LUMI and Helmi participants will be required to have an institutional or company email address.

        13:00-13.30 Alberto Lanzanova: NordiQuEst HPC-QC ecosystem. Going to the details.
        13.30-14.30 Jake Muff: Introduction to using a Quantum Computer
        14.30 - 15:00 Break (Cofee&Tea)
        15:00 - 17:00 Jake Muff: Hands on Variational Quantum Eigensolver

        In this workshop, we will have a look at the convergence of high-performance computing and quantum computing. Computational modelling is one field that in the future, is expected to be accelerated by quantum computers.

        We start with a presentation NeIC project, Nordic-Estonian Quantum Computing e-Infrastructure Quest (NordIQuEst), by Alberto Lanzanova. NordIQuEst is a cross-border collaboration of seven partners from five NeIC member states that will combine several HPC resources and quantum computers into one unified Nordic quantum computing platform.

        A practical approach to quantum programming follows this. In order to use quantum computers, in the future, novel quantum algorithms are required. These can, and should! be developed already now. In this part of the workshop, participants will get a chance to submit a quantum job to a real quantum computer. Participants will be shown how to entangle multiple qubits and be given tips on getting the most out of quantum computers today.

        This will be followed by an introduction into a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm: the Variational Quantum Eigensolver. This workshop will utilise the EuroHPC supercomputer LUMI and Finland’s 5-qubit quantum computer Helmi.

        Speakers: Alberto Lanzanova, Jake Muff
      • 32
        Workshop: Sensitive data - Opening and sharing of personal data: ethical and legal issues and solutions Part I Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        When working with personal data, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) poses a challenging situation for European researchers: the protection of the personal data of the study subjects can limit the transparency and sustainability of the scientific process by restricting data sharing and reuse. In recent years, national legislation have regulated the reuse of data originally collected for medical purposes, but the process for sharing non-medical research personal data is still unclear.

        The workshop aims to identify ethical and GDPR-compliant solutions for sharing research personal data with the global scientific community. During the workshop, we will present some existing solutions and show how to adopt them in practice. Participants are encouraged to share their ideas and experiences to explore a wide range of available options, especially in the Nordic countries. The aim of the workshop is to produce a whitepaper towards a unified process for sharing personal data in non-medical research.

        Speaker: Enrico Glerean
      • 33
        Workshop: Underneath dCache tips and pitfalls Part I Panso


        The dCache project provides open-source software deployed internationally to satisfy
        more demanding storage requirements.

        Its multifaceted approach provides an integrated way of supporting different use cases with the same storage, from high-throughput data ingest, data sharing over wide area networks, efficient access from HPC clusters and long-term data persistence on tertiary storage. Though it was originally developed for the
        Today, HEP experiments are used by various scientific communities, including astrophysics, biomedicine, life science, and many others.

        dCache tutorial will describe the key components and architectural design of dCache as well as demonstrate how to set up a minimal dCache installation with small examples explaining the configurations.

        Speaker: Tigran Mkrtchyan
      • 2:30 PM
        Coffee Break
    • Afternoon Workshops Part II
      • 34
        Workshop: AI Tools with Biomedical Sciences Part II Adson


        There are a lot of potential uses for Ai in biomedical sciences. The field of bioinformatics, which deals with the analysis of biomedical data, is still catching up with the skill set needed to effectively use ML/Ai in the workflows.

        In this tutorial, we will demystify some basic machine learning concepts needed to get started with and then show some examples where these concepts are already being applied. Then we will move on to get some hands-on experience with a selected tool to get some experience and to motivate you to learn and explore the possibilities to use ML/ML in your work.

        Prerequisites: Basic understanding in concepts like sequence assembly, variants and protein folding. Familiar with Python language would be an advantage, but we will provide copy-paste examples just in case.

        Speakers: Burçin Ogul, Pubudu Samarakoon, Sabry Razick
      • 35
        Workshop: ARC installation and configuration Part II Alver


        The workshop runs from 13:00 to 16:00 with a 30 minute break in the middle

        The ARC Compute Element (CE) is a distributed compute front-end on top of a conventional computing resource (e.g. a Linux cluster or a standalone workstation). It enables remote batch system job submission, and seamlessly handles data staging of any remote input files. ARC-CE’s can work in a grid of compute resources, removing the need for the end-user to specify what resource they want their job to run on. Direct submission to a specific HPC resource is also possible.

        ARC has been one of several recommended compute element technologies of the World Wide LHC Computing grid since 2002, and is now one of the two recommended ones together with HT-Condor CE.

        The tutorial demonstrates the installation and configuration of an ARC-CE front-end for use in a distributed grid infrastructure, such as WLCG. We will show that ARC supports both high-performance systems, like Vega EuroHPC, Nordic WLCG Tier1 and other HPC centres, but also smaller community grids and cloud HPC resources. The tutorial addresses primarily system administrators, but also serves as a demonstrator of a seamless access to HPC resources to extended user communities, such as Life Sciences, Climate and Biodiversity, Astrophysics, Materials science and others.
        The tutorial will demonstrate the installation of ARC 7, and focusing on an ARC-CE set up for token support.

        A handful of test-clusters will be set up to allow attendees to type along.

        If time allows, two more items will be discussed:

        a). A demonstration of the new ARC cluster setup in the EGI Infrastructure Manager. The EGI IM ARC integration allows admins to set up a compute cluster running Slurm and ARC with a few clicks.

        b). With ARCHERY we will show how a research community using a set of ARC-enabled resources (HPC/grid/cloud) to run computations can set up their own community grid without needing a central job-server. This allows the researcher to submit jobs to all their available ARC CEs, without the need to choose and specify particular CE for each job.

        Speaker: Maiken Pedersen
      • 36
        Workshop: Quantum Computing 101 Part II Small Peterson

        Small Peterson

        15:00 - 17:00 Jake Muff: Hands on Variational Quantum Eigensolver

        In this workshop, we will have a look at the convergence of high-performance computing and quantum computing. Computational modelling is one field that in the future, is expected to be accelerated by quantum computers.

        We start with a presentation NeIC project, Nordic-Estonian Quantum Computing e-Infrastructure Quest (NordIQuEst), by Alberto Lanzanova. NordIQuEst is a cross-border collaboration of seven partners from five NeIC member states that will combine several HPC resources and quantum computers into one unified Nordic quantum computing platform.

        A practical approach to quantum programming follows this. In order to use quantum computers, in the future, novel quantum algorithms are required. These can, and should! be developed already now. In this part of the workshop, participants will get a chance to submit a quantum job to a real quantum computer. Participants will be shown how to entangle multiple qubits and be given tips on getting the most out of quantum computers today.

        This will be followed by an introduction into a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm: the Variational Quantum Eigensolver. This workshop will utilise the EuroHPC supercomputer LUMI and Finland’s 5-qubit quantum computer Helmi.

        Speaker: Jake Muff
      • 37
        Workshop: Sensitive Data Part II Peterson Hall

        Peterson Hall

        We will start (Sensitive Data) session 2 with a discussion regarding the requirements for the sensitive data processing environment and present a plan for the LUMI EuroHPC supercomputer.

        You learn to use an encryption tool on your laptop.
        You will get an overview of the production and development plans for some of the HPC systems in Nordics.

        In the end, we will discuss how to do collaboration in Nordic, and we can hear some examples of ongoing activities.

        Speakers: Abdulrahman Azab (University of Oslo), Mr Ali Syed (NGC), Jarno Laitinen, Jonas Söderberg (NBIS), Martin Matthiesen
      • 38
        Workshop: Underneath dCache tips and pitfalls Part II Panso


        The dCache project provides open-source software deployed internationally to satisfy
        more demanding storage requirements.

        Its multifaceted approach provides an integrated way of supporting different use cases with the same storage, from high-throughput data ingest, data sharing over wide area networks, efficient access from HPC clusters and long-term data persistence on tertiary storage. Though it was originally developed for the
        Today, HEP experiments are used by various scientific communities, including astrophysics, biomedicine, life science, and many others.

        dCache tutorial will describe the key components and architectural design of dCache as well as demonstrate how to set up a minimal dCache installation with small examples explaining the configurations.

        Speaker: Tigran Mkrtchyan