Jan 27 – 28, 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Keynote speaker: Bjørn H. Samset, CICERO Center for International Climate Research

Title: Covid and the climate: What we’re learning from the lockdowns


In spring 2020, we shut down much of the world. Emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution initially plummeted – but picked up again after some weeks. Then, in late autumn, it all happened again. The climate science community is scrambling to learn as much as we can from this unexpected experiment and to understand what different post-covid recovery strategies may mean for near term climate change. 


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Keynote speakers: LUMI Programme Director Pekka Manninen &  NeIC Puhuri Project Manager Jarno Laitinen

Title: LUMI EuroHPC supercomputer - the common resource for Nordic countries 


Introduction to LUMI EuroHPC supercomputer. How and who can access it? How about a NeIC project? What kind of software environment it has? How is the user support organised? Introduction to Puhuri project and how it serves LUMI.