Jan 27 – 28, 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


Below you can find session descriptions for the four workshops you can choose between at AHM21 on January 28.

Quantum computing  

Mikael Johansson, CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., Finland 

Quantum computing is coming, time to get ready! In this workshop, we will have a look at the convergence of high-performance computing and quantum computing. Supercomputers of the future are expected to be boosted by the massive performance increase provided by quantum computers for certain types of computational tasks. For a successful integration, novel quantum algorithms are required. These can, and should! be developed already now. For this, the use of realistic quantum emulators are central. 

How to download data from an API

Louise Oram, The Norwegian Meteorological Institute

Many data providers share their data through an online API (Application Programming Interface) solution. In this workshop you will learn the basics of what a REST API is, and how to use it. We will use examples from the API of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute to get weather observations and weather forecasts. We will start by using web interfaces and command line tools (curl) and then we will also try to cover using python to create scripts to automate downloads.

An online workshop about organizing online workshops

Richard Darst, Anne Fouilloux, Radovan Bast from NeIC's CodeRefinery project

In this workshop we will present and discuss our lessons learned from organizing and running online workshops: from preparing helpers and instructors and providing installation help, over exercise room organization, to workshop post-processing. We will also discuss our technical and organizational experiences from scaling workshops to over 100 participants, including streaming and recording workshops. We believe that teaching goes along with infrastructure and support, and that most technical specialists should know some about teaching.

EOSC-Nordic cloud demos

Lorand Szentannai, UNINETT Sigma2; Dan Sebastian Thrane & Claudio Pica, University of Southern Denmark, Thierry Toutain, USIT/UiO, Morgan Ekmefjord, Uppsala University

Data intensive computing as well as AI/ML workflows often require complex scientific applications able to discover and consume cloud computing resources. Platform as a Service (PaaS) allows the researchers to run and manage scientific applications in an easy manner, without the need to build and maintain the software and the underlaying infrastructure.

Several initiatives to share knowledge and set best practices have been started in the Nordics in the last years. The coordination and exchange of competences, already started with the NeIC/Glenna project and proceeded in the framework of the EOSC-Nordic, has promoted and enforced the concept of a common Nordic cloud platform. The initiatives and collaboration brought to fruition amongst others, the NIRD Toolkit, the STACKn and the UCloud tools, making complex technologies accessible and almost instantly available to end-users.

In this webinar we will demonstrate and give an overview of the major features of the three tools mentioned above and you will get to learn how to use these tools to support your data science projects. 

This session is intended for end-users, operators and as well as service owners.