26–27 Jun 2023
Umeå University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Privacy Information

Data controller
Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration

Privacy notice

The information provided by individuals into the Indico is accessible to the event organizers and the Indico administrators (NeIC and Copenhagen University) in order to organize the event.


Some information collected from accepted speakers will also be made public as part of timetables and similar, and is intended to stay published as part of the institutional memory of the series of conferences. This will be made explicit when submitting and if you want to be known under a pseudonym, please provide that.


We intend to provide a list of registrants to other registered participants, sharing name and affiliation, but this optional with an opt-in provided in the registration form.


The information provided to the payment processor will be shared by a third party, namely the payment processor under their privacy policy, but otherwise we do not share or sell the information externally.