26–27 Jun 2023
Umeå University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Call for Sponsors

BSides Ume is looking for sponsors to help make this an excellent event!


We have two kinds of sponsorship packages, one based on fixed number and the other based on the number of participants. Since this is the first year we're arranging this conference, the second option could be a way of scaling your contribution with the audience. If you want to discuss other options, please email bsides@accum.se and we'll talk about it.


We expect this event to take one or two days, based on how many interesting talks we get submitted, and this Call for Sponsors.


Note that presenting at the conference is not a guaranteed sponsor amenity. if you have an interesting technical talk, submit it to the CFP. Note that sales talk are not well received by this audience and will be rejected.


Interested? Please send us an email at bsides@accum.se to come to a sponsorship agreement. First come, first selected applies to categories with limited number of packages.

Fixed sponsorship packages

Gold: 15000 SEK

Available packages: 3.

This packages comes with the following amenities:

  • placement of signs at the venue;
  • three passes to the conference including the social events;
  • special mention during introduction and conclusion;
  • special mention on the conference web-site, and other material;

Silver: 8000 SEK

Available packages: 3.

This packages comes with the following amenities:

  • placement of signs at the venue;
  • two passes to the conference, including social events;
  • special mention on the conference web-site, and other material;

Bronze: 2000 SEK

Available packages: 6.

This packages comes with the following amenities:

  • one pass to the conference, including social events;
  • special mention on the conference web-site

Scaling sponsorship packages

We expect a range of 20-100 persons, absolute max 150 persons.

Fancy dinner: 1000 SEK/person

Available packages: 1 (exclusive with "Good dinner").

Sponsor amenities equivalent to Gold level plus mention at dinner.

Good dinner: 500 SEK/person

Available packages: 1 (exclusive with "Fancy dinner").

Sponsor amenities equivalent to Gold level plus mention at dinner.

Lunch: 120 SEK/person

Available packages: 1.

Sponsor amenities equivalent to Gold level plus mention at lunch departure.

Coffee breaks: 50 SEK/person

Available packages 2.

Sponsor amenities equivalent to Silver level plus sign by the coffee break table.