24 January 2022
Europe/Oslo timezone


Because the event had to be held online, there is unfortunately no chance for us to go skiing together. We encourage all participants to the AHM22 to enjoy the one-hour lunch break by closing their laptops and doing something nice, maybe popping out for a short walk. 

Home office tour 

After working from home for almost two years, we all have some kind of a home office setup that works for us. It may include an office dog or cat, children's toys or messy cupboards just outside the camera's view. We have seen your home offie background on Zoom at least a hundred times - please show us the rest of your office! 

We ask you to send us pictures or videos of your home offices by 23 January. You can send the material directly to Vilma at vilma.hakkinen@nordforsk.org and give a short description of your very own HQ.