Sep 13 – 16, 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


Nordic sensitive data services

Sensitive data is data that needs to be protected against unauthorized access. Protection of data may be required for legal or ethical reasons, for issues pertaining to personal privacy, or for proprietary considerations. Nordic sensitive data services provides facilities for storing and analysing sensitive data for reseachers, organizations and educational purposes. 

This workshop is a collection of demos/presentations by experts representing the service providers on the scope and usage of the services, and is organised by EOSC-Nordic WP5

All session times are CEST



The Danish National Supercomputer for Life Sciences (a.k.a. Computerome) is installed at the DTU National Lifescience Center at Technical University of Denmark.

The computer hardware is funded with grants from Technical University of Denmark (DTU)University of Copenhagen (KU) and Danish e-infrastructure Cooperation (DeiC) - also, it is the official Danish ELIXIR Node.

CSC Sensitive Data Services for Research

CSC Sensitive Data Services for Research are designed to support secure sensitive data management through web-user interfaces accessible from the user's own computer. Sensitive Data Connect (SD Connect) and Sensitive Data Desktop (SD Desktop) are now available in Open Beta.

SNIC Bianca

Bianca is a research system dedicated for analysing sensitive data, e.g. personal data from large-scale molecular experiments. It has 3200 cores in the form of 200 dual CPU (Intel Xeon E5-2630 v3) Huawei XH620 V3 nodes with 128GB memory. Eight of the nodes have larger memory (256/512GB). SNIC has financed two GPU nodes, each with two NVIDIA A100 GPU:s.

Bianca has been decided to be kept in production through 2022-12-31.

Services for sensitive data (TSD)

The TSD – Service for Sensitive Data, is a platform for collecting, storing, analyzing and sharing sensitive data in compliance with the norwegian privacy regulation.

TSD is used by researchers working at UiO and in other public research institutions (the UH-sector, universities, hospitals etc.). The TSD is primarily an IT-platform for research even if in some cases it is used for clinical research and commercial research. TSD is developed and operated by UiO and is a part of NorStore, the national infrastructure for handling and storage of scientific data.

Registration for this event is currently open.
There is an open survey.