14–16 May 2019
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Research perspectives on AI, transparency, privacy, law.

16 May 2019, 11:30
Lumbye Auditorium (Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center)

Lumbye Auditorium

Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center

Arni Magnussons Gade 2 1577 Copenhagen V Danmark


Dr Anders Løland (Norwegian Computing Center)


Artificial Intelligence can solve new problems, but AI also brings along new ethical and legal issues, such as: Can I trust the AI model? Can I explain it to others? Is it biased, unfair or even illegal? What is algorithmic transparency or algorithmic fairness? Is privacy good or bad for AI research or vice versa? I will pinpoint some key AI research challenges, of which some are solvable and others seem to have no definitive answer.

Presentation materials