14–16 May 2019
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Bringing Open Science in the US into Practice

14 May 2019, 14:15
Lumbye Auditorium (Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center)

Lumbye Auditorium

Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center

Arni Magnussons Gade 2 1577 Copenhagen V Danmark


Ms Christine Kirkpatrick (San Diego Supercomputer Center, Univ of California San Diego)


With dozens of government agencies and foundations funding research at over 200 universities and hundreds more institutes and businesses, the United States comprises a challenge to comprehensive open science offerings. Approaches by various government agencies to require and incentivize open access to data will be mentioned, as well as platforms and services that enable data sharing and discovery. Models working in the EU, are being replicated in the US and providing a basis for increased awareness and value in open data. The role and challenges of including industry or private research will also be discussed.

Primary author

Ms Christine Kirkpatrick (San Diego Supercomputer Center, Univ of California San Diego)

Presentation materials