28–31 Jan 2019
Gudbrandsgård hotell
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Practical details


Gudbrandsgard Hotell is located at Kvitfjell (about 3- 3,5 hours from Oslo Airport). Bring your favourite swimming trunks or ski equipment for use of amenities out of scheduled hours.

Transport and accommodation

  • NeIC will arrange accommodation, meals and transport between Oslo airport at Gardermoen and Kvitfjell for NeIC-contracted personnel and invited speakers.
  • Please make your own travel arrangements to/from Gardermoen.
  • Please let us know when you register if you would like to make all your travel/accommodation arrangements yourself (for example if you plan to arrive earlier or leave later).


  • First shuttle leaves Oslo airport Monday, Jan 28, 11:00 (arrives in Kvitfjell approximately 14:30).
  • Last shuttle leaves Oslo airport Monday, Jan 28, 14:00 (arrives in Kvitfjell approximately 17:30).
  • We meet no later than 10 minutes before departure at the Hittegods (Lost and Found) section in the airport arrival hall. Please see map of the arrival hall here: Arrival-hall map.

Bus-ride takes about 3 - 3.5 hours. Please check that you are on the correct bus, and if not, please contact NN or MM.

  • Contact person for the 11:00 bus is NN (+47 ........). List of people on 11 AM bus
  • Contact person for the 14:00 bus is MM (+47 ........). List of people on 14 PM bus


  • Сhuttles leave Kvitfjell он Thursday, Jan  31, one at 12:15 and another at 13:00 (arriving at Oslo airport at approximately 16:15 and 17:00, respectively)

Public transportation in case you need to leave earlier

The closest trainstation is Ringebu. You will need to take a taxi to Ringebu, and take a train from Ringbu directly to Oslo Airport (3 hours). 

Intended participants

The intended participants of the AHM are personnel contracted in the larger NeIC operations or projects such as NT1, Glenna, Tryggve, CodeRefinery and Dellingr. If you are engaged in a NeIC project and not sure whether you should participate, please contact your team leader. The program will include a major component of social networking, attempting to mitigate the effects of the completely distributed nature of NeIC and facilitate excellent working relations.

Other participants

Interested members of project steering groups or reference group and stakeholder fora who want to participate in the discussions, socialize with NeIC and see what work in NeIC is like on the inside are warmly welcome to join the AHM. However, co-locating official meetings in such groups to this event is strongly discouraged, in order not to distract staff away from the prioritized content. On the other hand, network connectivity has proven excellent at this location, so for any sessions that do not directly concern such delegates, time can still very likely be usefully spent doing other productive work.

Family policy

The focus of the all hands meeting should be on spending social time together with your teammates and therefore we do in general not recommend to bring your family during the meeting. If you want to explore the location with your family you’re welcome to do so, but preferably before or after the AHM. NeIC, however, will not arrange any travel or accommodation for that.


There is no ski school arranged by NeIC. However, as last year: you can certainly book a ski instructor yourself (or in a group).

There might also be ad-hoc ski-groups for people to join too. We will try to facilitate this once at the AHM. 

One can rent skis at Kvitfjell, and that can be done once you are there. There should be no need to pre-order, although you are of course free to reserve skis if you want! 

NeIC Slack channels for the all-hands meeting

#ahm for practical and general information

#ahm-social for more informal sharing, e.g photographs and such.

Google shared folder for photographs ++

Put your stuff in this Google folder
Whether it is slides, photographs or other things you want to share. 


Staff on NeIC contracts will be reimbursed for expenses for travel to/ from Gardermoen. Expenses should be claimed through the staff’s local institution. The local institution will add these expenses to its quarterly invoices to NeIC.
