2–3 Jun 2022
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Galaxy is an open-source platform for FAIR data analysis that enables users to:

  • Use tools from various domains (that can be plugged into workflows) through its graphical web interface;
  • Run code in interactive environments (RStudio, Jupyter...) along with other tools or workflows;
  • Manage data by sharing and publishing results, workflows, and visualizations
  • Ensure reproducibility by capturing the necessary information to repeat and understand data analyses.
  • You will also learn about Research Objects and the Research Object Hub for making Open Science in practice a reality.

PlutoF is a Data management and Publishing Platform. In PlutoF, you can manage your full data lifecycle. From Data Management Plan to the publishing and archiving your datasets in machine readable format.

This is a training workshop on the usage and implementations of Galaxy and PlutoF tools
