14–16 May 2019
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

EOSC-Nordic Technical session

15 May 2019, 11:00
1h 30m
Lumbye Auditorium (Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center)

Lumbye Auditorium

Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center

Open Science Open Science


Chair: Maria Francesca Iozzi, Co-chair: Ilja Livenson

EOSC-Nordic is a project recently granted by the EC in the framework of the INFRAEOSC-5b call. It aims at improving coordination of EOSC relevant initiatives within the Nordic and Baltic countries and boosting harmonisation of governance and service management policies across the region in compliance with EOSC agreed standards and practices.

The project brings together a strong consortium of 24 partners including e-Infrastructure providers, research performing organisations and expert networks, with national mandates with regards to the provision of research services and open science policy and wide experience of engaging with the research community and mobilising national governments, funding agencies, international bodies and global initiatives and high-level experts on EOSC strategic matters. Demonstrators are bound to user communities present in the Nordic and Baltic region and cover a variety of scientific domains – climate, computational linguistic, bio-diversity, personalise medicine – and technical challenges, for example cross borders AI/ML platforms, distributed data management and data analysis, cross-border research with sensitive data.

In the present session, you will learn more about the EOSC-Nordic and its main technical objectives and planned activities. A particular focus will be put on the technical strategies for enabling cross-borders research and building an interoperability framework that will be able to make e-infrastructure services discoverable in the region and in the EOSC.

Primary author

Maria Francesca Iozzi (UNINETT/Sigma2)


Presentation materials

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