May 14 – 16, 2019
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Repurposing Climate Data

May 15, 2019, 9:45 AM
Lumbye Auditorium (Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center)

Lumbye Auditorium

Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center

Arni Magnussons Gade 2 1577 Copenhagen V Danmark
Plenary Plenary


Anne Fouilloux (University of Oslo, Norway)


Advances in the development of climate models and associated data viewers and processing tools is achieving unprecedented maturity in the environmental scientific community. This was accompanied by the standardization of model output formats (conventions for Climate and Forecast metadata), the availability of open databases (i.e., the Earth System Grid Federation), and often of the climate model codes themselves.
Applying such FAIR principles virtually makes it possible to re-run climate model runs or undertake other experiments. On the one side such new opportunities should attract interest from other communities such as social and human sciences. On the other side, the climate models, viewers and processing tools are generally far too complex for non-specialists and computationally demanding thus hindering cross-disciplines transfer.

In this presentation we will show how climate models can be run out-of-the-box, without much effort, using an online web platform. We will also show how climate model outputs can be visualized or how deep-learning techniques can be applied using the same web portal.

Primary author

Anne Fouilloux (University of Oslo, Norway)

Presentation materials