14–16 May 2019
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Open Science with Sensitive Data

15 May 2019, 13:30
1h 30m
Lumbye Auditorium (Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center)

Lumbye Auditorium

Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center

Arni Magnussons Gade 2 1577 Copenhagen V Danmark
Open Science Open Science


Antti Pursula (CSC) Jacob Hjelmborg (SDU) Niclas Jareborg (NBIS) Malin Eklund (VR) Gard Thomassen (USIT, University of Oslo) Rob Baxter (EPCC) Maria Francesca Iozzi (Sigma2) Juni Palmgren (KI) Heidi Laine (CSC)


Many scientific fields are using, or would like to use, personal or sensitive data in the research. Such fields include for example genomics, health, social sciences and language research. The sensitive data that has been cleared for secondary use, should be properly managed and made findable under the same principles than non-sensitive research data. This naturally needs to be done under strict ethical and legal compliance and via secure IT services. However, providing secure e-infrastructure for large cross-border research projects dealing with sensitive data is still in great demand and remains in some extents an unsolved challenge. Moreover, the emphasis on open science and FAIR data by the science communities and policy-makers increase the demand for professional research data management in connection to sensitive data.

This workshop will discuss the current status, opportunities and challenges of secure e-infrastructure services from various angles, and tries to form conclusions as well as inspire action for supporting open science with sensitive data. The topics for the short presentations and panel discussions are selected to highlight different sides of the topic. Topics include for example the following: openness in a sensitive data landscape, experiences from Tryggve project both from service provider and user perspective, secure processing of distributed data, impact of NeIC sensitive data activity, as well as Research Data Management and sensitive data.

The workshop programme includes short talks followed by panel discussion on a few selected topics. We plan to use online tools for one channel for addressing questions to speakers as well as enable online surveys as an option for speakers to interact with the audience.


13:30 - 15:00 First session
Chair: Henric Zazzi, KTH
13:30 Tryggve developments for secure cloud federation: Antti Pursula, NeIC
13:45 Researcher perspective - the NorTwinCan consortium: Jacob Hjelmborg, SDU
14:00 Sensitive data archiving in Nordics and Federated EGA: Niclas Jareborg, NBIS
14:15 European 1 M genomes declaration: Malin Eklund, VR
14:30 TSD secure service and GDPR: Gard Thomassen, USIT Oslo
14:45 Discussion

15:00 - 15:30 coffee break

15:30 - 17:00 Second session
Chair: Antti Pursula, NeIC
15:30 EOSC-hub data policies: Rob Baxter, EPCC
15:45 Perspectives of EOSC-Nordic and EOSC-Hub on sensitive data: Francesca Iozzi, SIGMA2
16:00 Nordforsk Nordic Commons initiative: Juni Palmgren, KI
16:15 RDA activities on FAIR sensitive data: Heidi Laine, CSC

16:30 Panel discussion (chair: Tomasz Malkiewicz, NeIC)
Panelists: Malin Eklund (VR), Gudmund Høst (NeIC), Juni Palmgren (KI) and Gard Thomassen (USIT)

17:00 Wrap-up: Antti Pursula, NeIC

Primary author

Presentation materials