4–5 Jun 2024
Umeå University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Security challenges in development and operation of EISCAT 3D

4 Jun 2024, 11:45
Aula Biologica (Umeå University)

Aula Biologica

Umeå University

Johan Bures väg, Umeå, Sweden
Talks and presentations Talks and presentations


Dr Carl-Fredrik Enell (EISCAT Scientific Association)


EISCAT Scientific Association are currently building EISCAT 3D, the next generation research radar on the Northern European mainland.
This is a research infrastructure that will significantly enhance the capabilities of ionosphere and near Earth space research. The design and complexity of the system rise challenges that are new to our research communities but more commonly encountered in particle physics and radio astronomy. In adddition to that there are also new issues related to EISCAT 3D being a multistatic antenna array system.

Optional: Speaker / convener biography

Physicist with PhD from Umeå University (for work at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna). Working at EISCAT since 2013, now focusing on data access for scientists.

Length 15 minutes

Primary author

Dr Carl-Fredrik Enell (EISCAT Scientific Association)

Presentation materials

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