4–5 Jun 2024
Umeå University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Cyber Clash: Hot Takes and Disruptive Discourse

4 Jun 2024, 16:15
Aula Biologica (Umeå University)

Aula Biologica

Umeå University

Johan Bures väg, Umeå, Sweden
Talks and presentations Talks and presentations


Should law enforcement use hacking tools? Is XSS dead? And which one is the greatest threat to security: AI or the EU?

In this session our panelists will tackle controversial topics with their wit and wisdom, from hacking ethics to encryption, privacy and those lazy programmers.

Optional: Speaker / convener biography

Markus is a security consultant with a background in OWASP and coding.

Length 45 minutes

Primary author

Markus Örebrand (Omegapoint / OWASP)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.