4–5 Jun 2024
Umeå University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Weathering Mirai, a 10 year retrospective

4 Jun 2024, 14:45
Aula Biologica (Umeå University)

Aula Biologica

Umeå University

Johan Bures väg, Umeå, Sweden
Talks and presentations Talks and presentations


Mattias Wadenstein (NeIC)


A decade ago, the Mirai DDoS botnet was the biggest seen with a capacity of roughly 600 Gbit/s packet floods. The week after the high-profile attack on krebsonsecurity, they pointed the direction at a Libera Chat (at the time known as "Freenode") IRC server hosted by Academic Computer Club at Umeå University.

This talk gives a brief overview on how the network providers SUNET and NORDUNet mitigated the impact so that the University as a whole was unaffected, and only the targeted server and the computer club saw minor glitches in external connectivity.

Optional: Speaker / convener biography

ACC sysadmin

Length 15 minutes

Primary author

Mattias Wadenstein (NeIC)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.