4–5 Jun 2024
Umeå University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Verifiable credentials solves all problems

4 Jun 2024, 15:45
Aula Biologica (Umeå University)

Aula Biologica

Umeå University

Johan Bures väg, Umeå, Sweden
Talks and presentations Talks and presentations


Mikael Frykholm (Sunet)


and creates many new ones. The federation team at SUNET manages the Swedish identity federation for higher education (SWAMID). We are also involved with the eduGAIN inter federation and in some new EU projects looking into Verifiable credentials as basis for a digital wallet. Another area of development is OpenID Federation, an extension to OIDC to allow federation. This will allow us to hook VC's into an existing trust framework. I will give overview of what we have managed to build, what's next and what new capabilities this gives.

Length 30 minutes

Primary author

Mikael Frykholm (Sunet)

Presentation materials