4–5 Jun 2024
Umeå University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Delete your password manager

4 Jun 2024, 11:00
Aula Biologica (Umeå University)

Aula Biologica

Umeå University

Johan Bures väg, Umeå, Sweden
Talks and presentations Talks and presentations


Mr Linus Lagerhjelm (Omegapoint)


Passwords are out! So of course you do not need to manage them anymore. Passkeys, on the other hand, are the talk of the town as well as the topic of this talk.

If you have heard about passkeys before and are curious to know more about them then this talk has got you covered. If you haven’t heard about them before but want to stay a jour, then this talk is a must.

This talk will be a crash course into WebAuthn and Passkeys and provide you with everything you need to know to start supporting it in your own applications.

Optional: Speaker / convener biography

Software developer and Application Security Specialist, cloud security and applied cryptography. Passionate about security and integrity.

Length 45 minutes

Primary author

Mr Linus Lagerhjelm (Omegapoint)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.