- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
This hybrid (in-person, remote) event will take place in Oslo (Norway).
We are organising a 3 days hackathon to extend the EDAM ontology for Geosciences. EDAM is a simple ontology that has been initially developed for bioscientific data analysis and data management. It is developed and maintained by the community.
Check the video on EDAM ontology by Melissa Black and her poster EDAM: the bioscientific data analysis ontology.
Why EDAM for Geo?
EDAM is an ontology developed and maintained by the community and it is relatively simple. It only focuses on:
- Topic
- Operation
- Data
- Format
The main objective is to extend the EDAM ontology to "describe" topics, operations, data and formats we use in Geosciences (including ecology) in order to improve the FAIRness of our tools (FATES, CLM, NorESM, EC-EARTH, user scripts, ESMValTool, etc.) and workflows (Galaxy, CWL, snakemake, etc.). This is especially important for workflows.
Location: room 317 in Geology building, University of Oslo, Sem Sælands vei 1 (map), Blindern, 0371 Oslo (Norway)
For those online:
Meeting ID: 673 8110 4332
Passcode: 976636
Documentation on how to use Zoom can be found here:
Prerequisites: domain specific knowledge (Geosciences, Climate, Ecology) or understanding of ontologies and FAIR concepts.