EOSC-Nordic (WP4): FAIR Certification webinar – community support opportunity



Birger Jerlehag (SND), Josefine Nordling (CSC), Mari Kleemola (TUNI/FSD), Tuomas Alatera (TUNI/FSD)

This invitational webinar is arranged by EOSC-Nordic WP4. It is intended to serve as an introduction to various ways of enabling Trust by adhering to best practices and standards such as CoreTrustSeal certification, Persistent Identifiers, OAIS and the FAIR Principles.

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an infrastructure that promotes open science. EOSC-Nordic is a project that aims to promote EOSC-relevant goals in the Nordic and Baltic region.

Further reading:

Webinar recording will be made available for participants on Monday, September 7.

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    • 1
      Welcome and introductions
      Speaker: Mrs Josefine Nordling
    • 2
      EOSC and the EOSC-Nordic project
      Speaker: Mr Andreas Jaunsen (NeIC/Nordforsk)
    • 3
      FAIR Certification
      Speaker: Ms Mari Kleemola (FSD)
    • 4
      EOSC-Nordic certification support
      Speaker: Mr Birger Jerlehag (SND)
    • 5
      Lessons learned from certification
      Speaker: Mr Trond Kvamme (NSD)
    • 14:05
    • 6
      Discussions and questions

      The floor is open for questions and discussion. Speakers and EOSC-Nordic WP4.2 team are available to answer the questions.