Steering Group meeting




Location: zoom see, cal invite

Life minutes:


  • Welcome and presence
  • Approval of the agenda 

  • NeIC announcements

  • Follow-up from Consortium meeting

  • Project status

  • Decision point list

  • AOB

SG meeting for NICEST2 on 20-11-27


  • Welcome and presence

  • Approval of the agenda 

  • NeIC announcements

  • Follow-up from Consortium meeting

  • Project status

  • Decision point list

  • AOB

Welcome and presence


Alok Kumar Gupta, Norway

Anne Claire Fouilloux, Secretary 

Hamish Struthers, Sweden 

Michaela Barth, NeIC, Chair

Risto Makkonen, Finland

Shuting Yang, Danmark, Observer, Apologies received


Presence: Alok, Anne-Claire, Michaela, Risto, Hamish

Quorum: see § 3.6 in Collaboration Agreement

Decision: We have quorum.

Approval of the Agenda

Invite with a link to the agenda was sent out by the Project manager on 18th of May. Agenda was last updated before 9th of November.

Decision: The agenda is approved.


NeIC announcements

  • Update status RCN funding proposal: submitted

    • Long-term partners not having to go through the open call

  • PM-PO extended held with focus on leadership

  • Joint workshop between NeIC Board and NeIC XT, focus at Board assessment and future

  • Details upcoming AHM: 

  • Project owner shift upcoming

Follow-up from Consortium meeting

Very effective Consortium meeting: Business case, project plan and benefit realization plan approved.

Action points:

  • Will there be a test system for LUMI to test the software?

  • When will the project application process open?

-> Taken up as part of Puhuri RG meeting -> up2date information via Kalle Happonen RG link

  • (done) AP A-C: Add a note on the difference between total cost of ownership and community paid fraction of it into the business case. 

  • (done) AP A-C to follow up to invite for a NICEST2 reference group. 

  • AP A-C Check with Destination Earth if there’s an opportunity to contribute to it from within NICEST2/ our EOSC-Nordic use case -> no concrete action yet, invited to talk, contacts exchanged, Risto also to keep an open eye and ear

  • AP A-C make a doodle poll for the next SG meeting

Benefit realization plan was presented to the Provider Forum, no further feedback received:


Project status

The project manager gives a report on the project status.

Discussion: Experienced overhead in using ESMValTool: Knowledge how to use it is a necessary premise to collect user requirements and feedback.

Summary: The SG recommends the report.


Decision point list

The SG went through the decision point checklist and updated it.


Discussion: List of deliverables which could be made available earlier than M36 (see ). The final proposal will have to be synced with the team members.


  • D2.3: 1 online tutorial on how to best use ESMValTool diagnostic tools for the Nordic countries (eg, polar lows, European and Greenland blocking events) with emphasis on (high-latitude) observations (and “observation simulators” to some extent). M33

Rationale: Opportunity to get also more feedback from partners


  • D3.5: 1 Data Management Plan Template, including best practices for FAIR Nordic Climate Data M33

Rationale: many DMP templates provided from different parties at the moment


  • D4.3: Online training material on best practices for the deployment of ESM workflows  M30

     Rationale: get more feedback, as well


  • D4.6: Best practice guides on how to evaluate the performance of Nordic ESMs. M33

Rationale: get feedback, as well


  • D4.5: Report on bottlenecks that would hinder the efficient usage of Nordic ESMs on EuroHPC and possible remediation actions (I/Os, adding GPU support, etc.) with clear information on costs (PMs, etc.) M30

                  Rationale: Bottlenecks are identified early in the project and refined later so we should have sufficient inputs by M30.


Decision: The project manager comes with an updated project plan proposal with updated deadlines for previous M36 deliverables for the next SG meeting.



Next meeting: Reserve Friday 9th of April 13:30 - 15:00 CET


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