13–15 Jun 2018
Atlantic/Reykjavik timezone
🎏free cross-national training by distinguished experts on HPC & Applications, join the Icelandic workshop June 13-15 in Reykjavik, pls register by June 6





This 3-day training workshop funded by NeIC, will be run by distinguished experts with more than a decade of experiences in their fields.

The workshop will cover partly hands-on experience and lectures.
Bring your own laptop !

University of Iceland (Room TBA) Map: https://english.hi.is/sites/default/files/stjori/hi_yfirlitskort_22.pdf

Please click on this link to sign up, register by June 11, 2018

This training workshop is intended for novices (such as MSc or new PhD students) as well as for more advanced HPC users from Iceland and abroad (Nordic countries).

Topics & Trainers

High Performance Computing (Morris Riedel, HI/JSC)
The availability of High-Performance Computing (HPC), powered by large-scale supercomputers and scalable cloud computing resources, has changed the way how science and engineering is done today. Innovative HPC technologies enable us to create "bridges" between the traditional scientific pillars "experiment" and "theory" by performing simulations of the real world or technology. Covered topics are parallel programming using MPI and OpenMP as well as more recent approaches using GPGPUs. General elements and challenges of parallel programming like concurrency, domain decomposition, load imbalancing, stencil methods, ghost/halo regions, and related topics will be covered using examples in the programming language C.

The Icelandic HPC Cluster (Mánu MaríusViðarsson, HÍ UTS)
Short presentation on the High Performance Computing facilities and services available at the University of Iceland aimed at new users: how to log in, how to submit jobs, how to use the module system used to set up the appropriate tool environment. Finally, we will have a short walk to the premises of UTS to see the HPC hardware and infrastructure (such as cooling) face to face.

A physicist's guide to parallelization at the IHPC (Viðar Guðmundsson, HÍ)
Several easy steps to parallelize programs in physics will be pointed out through the use of OpenMP, Intel-MKL, and CUBLAS in an effective way maintaining high code readability. This approach for static or time-dependent many-body problems in quantum theory and statistical mechanics points out the convenience of a heavy use of linear functional spaces and transformations between them.

Cloud Computing (Helmut Neukirchen, HÍ)
Helmut's talk will cover of how to use Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud computing, i.e. using virtual machines in the cloud. This can be a viable solution, if you need a special machine (e.g. with lots of RAM) that you do not have available otherwise. 
PC Software Engineering (Matthias Book, HÍ)
The Interaction Room (IR) is a collaboration technique that uses large interactive displays to facilitate the elicitation, joint understanding and prioritization of requirements in teams composed of stakeholders from different backgrounds, such as software engineers and scientific domain experts. By encouraging pragmatic modeling, the IR helps to deal with the complexity of scientific computing applications and map them to HPC solution techniques.

Data Analysis from a Data Center Perspective (Rahul Ramachandran, NASA)
Rahul Ramachadran drives the activities of a NASA data center that stores and makes available large quantities of measurement data such as from satelites. Being in the community of remote sensing in particular and Earth sciences in general, he will talk about the challenges of performing big data analytics from a data center perspective.

Data-intensive Research on Precipitation (Kuo Kwo-Sen, NASA)
Kuo Kwo-Sen works at NASA and is in the research of precipitation that involved studies with large quantities of different datasets. One of the key elements in performing the analysis are big data analytics techniques that involve the use of array databases.