17–19 Oct 2020
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Welcome to the registration page for the Online CodeRefinery workshop!

To complete your registration, you need to:

1) Enter your registration details by clicking the "Apply now" button below.
2) Fill in the pre-workshop survey by clicking the "Fill out the survey" button below.

Confirmation email

After filling out the registration form you will receive an automatic confirmation email but please note that your registration is only tentative until we confirm it with another (human-written) email which should happen typically within a week.

Waiting list

We maintain a waiting list for seats but this is currently not automatic so we need this short time buffer to manually confirm participants and inform those who are on the waiting list.

First come, first serve

The seats are assigned on a first come first serve basis but we need to also make sure that registered participants are affiliated with a Nordic academic institution since the course is free for participants and financed by the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration.


We ask confirmed participants who are not able to participate at the course they have signed up for, to inform us as soon as possible so that people on the waiting list can take the vacant seat.


If you have any questions about your registration status, please write to support@coderefinery.org.

Looking forward to seeing you at the workshop!
