Nordic Workshop to discuss collaboration on the upcoming e-Infrastructure calls

Conference Room (LUNARC - Center for Scientific and Technical Computing)

Conference Room

LUNARC - Center for Scientific and Technical Computing

Lund University, Faculty of Science Sölvegatan 14, 223 62 Lund, Sweden
Abdulrahman Azab Mohamed (Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration - NeIC), Vilma Häkkinen (NeIC)

NENEC is the NeIC Expert Network for Nordic and EU Collaboration. The network is a community coordinated by the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) and acts as an agile group of experts investigating and discussing interesting Nordic EU infrastructure call opportunities, joint interests, and possible collaboration bearing in mind the NeIC strategy, Nordic Added Value and interests of the national providers.

NeIC is organizing a workshop for the Nordic Expert Network for Nordic and EU Collaboration to discuss the shared interests and potential opportunities for Nordic partners (and other collaborators) to join/compose consortia. 