Present: Maiken, Erik, Petter, Vincent, Jens, Mattias, Darren, Krishnaveni, Ville
- Topics for next meeting:
- Post FitSM training: What did we learn ? How to implement it ? All - End of March
- CI/CD for ARC Maiken - Mid-April
- Grafana training
- How to makes dashboard
- Add plots with data sources: elastic search, postgres, promoetheus
- Takes few ganglia plots and import them into grafana
- Vincent, Maiken -- End of April
- k8s
- Operator log: Extension of the add-entry script actions:Ville, Vincent
- Ansible tower (AWX)
- AWX@NT1 discussion
- How to import inventories ? by CLIs ?
- How to import the nt1-ansible roles ?
- Actions:
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